Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Level of stress

Locus-of-control affects levels-of-stress. People in charge experience less stress than those whose livelihood is in the hands of others [ link ]. Confidence in keeping their position helps .. even when the organization they lead .. suffers. They test lower for the presence of cortisol among other things.


santastu said...

I under stand this concept
it is born-out in the fact that
a large proportion of managers,
have not got the intelligence,
and foresight that comes with
experience to even think about

The other percentage
the well adjusted, with excellent
people skills and confidence to
manage, with a lite-touch and let-go
trusting in their staff,
are rewarded with piece of mind,
and loyalty.

I have worked with good and bad,
fond memories of the latter,
and better health.

(In memory of Peter,
and thanks to Richard)

Bill Robertson said...

They either don’t worry or they’re competent well adjusted human beings. I too have worked with good and bad. Thanks !